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Hi, I’m Yoona Park. I’m a wife, mom, and lawyer, and I’m making a mess of it like everyone else. I’m no expert on anything, but the stuff on this blog is the stuff on my mind.

113 Comments Post a comment
  1. gojessago #

    Hi Yoona, hope all is well. I was wondering if you could hype Vasalgel male birth control. There is an informative Motherboard article about it which I can’t seem to link here, but basically the Parsemus research group has been having trouble financing clinical trails. This is not a lucrative endeavor but it would circumvent the slight but real side effects of current contraception. Additionally, Vasalgel would be VERY cheap. Thank you and best wishes.

    June 9, 2015
  2. Hey Yoona, you’re on my list of blogs to read and check out via the Liebster Award. Thanks for being awesome and inspiring me to blog and laugh! Here’s the link:

    September 30, 2014
  3. Rue #

    Morning! I’m an *occasional reader of your wonderful and hilarious blog. I was reading a favorite gossip site of mine and came across this headline: “Justin Theroux: ‘Sandals really bum me out… also sweatpants are disgusting.'”

    I realize this is a cause close to your heart and thought you should know that Jennifer Aniston’s fiance’s eyebrows has brought this to the national stage.

    I shall march forth and drag some b*tches in the comments on your behalf!

    *my work computer thinks ‘’ is a porn site and is consequently blocked, making me an occasional reader.

    July 10, 2014
  4. You have a great voice and perspective on life! I’m really looking forward to exploring your blog more and seeing new posts pop up in my feed. From one Mum blogger to another!

    June 29, 2014
  5. Lydia Devadason #

    I love your blog – mine is a similar theme but a poor mother’s version. Oh, and I’m another lawyer (though ‘on a break’ to be a stay-at-home mum, which is far more hard-work and frightening than the job I left behind, ha ha) 😉

    March 17, 2014
    • yes, being a SAHM seems like the ultimate job challenge

      April 18, 2014
  6. Your blog is truly addicting!

    March 2, 2014
  7. I love your open and honest approach to sharing. You’re clever and witty and not-lawyerish at all – very cool. My children are 15 and 13 now, both are avid readers and good folk who hold doors open and say ‘please & thank you.” I suspect you will have the same…
    newbie blogger

    March 1, 2014
    • i love how “lawyer is the antithesis of “cool” in your comment. i hope my boys hold doors and mind their Ps and Qs! thanks for the hope

      April 18, 2014
      • You’re most certainly welcome! My father received his law degree from St. John’s and ended up becoming an F.B.I. Agent for 20 years… He was and still is at 82 firm-minded…my mom softened the edges.
        I like your way better 😉
        Have a great weekend, enjoy your little handsome boys – they grow so very quickly.

        April 18, 2014
  8. Ha ha! I love your motto! Definitely following your blog!

    January 25, 2014
  9. I’m a wife, mom, and lawyer and blogger too, lovely to come across your blog, I look forward to reading and comparing notes 🙂

    January 16, 2014
  10. LOVE your blog! Even if it is the polar opposite to mine, haha. I’ve nominated you 🙂

    December 12, 2013
  11. also, your blog is beautiful to look at–again, so glad I found you!

    October 20, 2013
  12. Just found your blog–so well written, so funny! Thank you for writing–you inspire a beginner to keep writing. 🙂

    October 20, 2013
  13. Great blog you got here! I am a follower now!

    August 28, 2013
  14. Great to find someone else who likes to share the marvels of being a wife, mom, and professional. Look forward to reading and relating to your posts.

    August 25, 2013
  15. A cool mom with a great blog!

    You bet I read all the posts under “Kids,” until “The Hangover,” and it seems like I can see my sister in you. I’ll show her your blog so she can also start hers.

    She also has two kids–and yes, two boys.

    August 8, 2013
    • it’s an exclusive club. the two-boy club. everyone in it gets medals and never-ending kudos

      August 8, 2013
  16. I can relate all too well about hiding in the car. After laughing out loud, pretty loud, I am happy to hear that my 3 year old isn’t the only one calling poor Percy, “Pussy.” Thank you for that. 🙂

    June 17, 2013
    • my sister-in-law’s son did it to her and at the time i thought it was funny but then didn’t think it would happen to me. and of course it happened to me. i am certain the sinister people behind thomas the train knew this would be the outcome when they named a train percy

      June 24, 2013
  17. Hi, just started following your blog! I really enjoy the fashion and you seem like you’re a super-mommy. Balance isn’t always easy as a mom and you seem like you’ve got it down. In fact, I liked your blog so much that I nominated it for the Shine On Award!

    Here’s the link to your nomination:

    June 17, 2013
    • thank you so much! i’m not a super mommy and i’m not balanced, but lovely to hear

      June 24, 2013
  18. Hi Yoona. Your sitewas recommended to me me by the “you may like” section of wordpress. I think you are linked to someone I’m following. Not sure. But I like what I see and read so I’ll be checking in. Looking forward to reading more!

    March 20, 2013
  19. Yoona, this is a great blog. You write in an honest nitty gritty way. I love your versatility. I have a 23 month old daughter, so you can imagine why I had a good laugh reading in your kids section. I have just followed your blog, look forward to reading more.

    March 13, 2013
  20. Hi Yoona, like your site. Sent to it by one of your blood relations, the very young looking woman your call kids call “grandma”.
    ( Check out my facebook page: Sophia Natural Medicine)

    March 12, 2013
  21. I just nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blog Award. Oh! And the squash looks delicious!

    November 29, 2012
    • thanks! your site is great; i’m a sucker for beauty products

      November 29, 2012
      • You are welcome and thanks for checking me out!

        November 29, 2012
  22. hi yoona, You have been selected for our this month’s Bloggies Award, Please go to this link to know more

    Bloggie’s Award Winner : Mid November 5’s!!!


    November 15, 2012
    • hey thank you!

      November 19, 2012
      • you are welcome dear and that a wonderful blog, feels like home!

        November 20, 2012
  23. mettemia #

    Hello Yoona. I`m a mum and I have to boys, 7 and 9, from South Korea. They are adopted! We live in Norway………….the land with polar bears in the street ;0) I love your blog and I become one of your fans ❤ Have a lovely day. Jin, Min and mettemia

    October 15, 2012
    • “jin, min, and mettemia.” how lovely. love those boys. especially the korean ones. 🙂

      October 19, 2012
  24. Tiffany #

    True confessions time: I rarely read blogs. I find most of them boring or self serving, but I just happened to land here and am cracking up! I’ll definitely be back…especially since I’m a fellow Portlander 🙂 Keep up the funnies!!

    October 9, 2012
  25. Ha! Enjoying your blog thoroughly… 🙂

    September 28, 2012
  26. Peaches #

    Hello Yoona!
    You’ve been nominated for an award on my blog! (For real, I’m not spam)

    August 13, 2012
    • hi peaches, thank you for the non-spam award nomination. your blog is super fun. enjoyed the post about the baby names

      August 14, 2012
  27. Hello! Just another award nomination here (Very Inspiring Blogger Award). Thanks for your posts, they crack me up (especially the Mean Baby post, that one was great!). -Chrissy

    July 25, 2012
    • thanks chrissy, for reading and for nominating me!

      July 25, 2012
  28. Definitely following you after I spent some time cruising your blog!!! Love it!!!

    July 9, 2012
  29. Yoona I’m really enjoying your blog, especially the piece on GP, Zoomba and Mandels. As a brand new blogger (started in May), mom and a 50hr a week day job in advertising, I’m having a tough time managing my time. I feel like my blog is making me fat. How have you balanced the whole mom/work/blog thing?

    July 8, 2012
    • funny about blogging making you fat. i write at night after my kids are in bed; it probably works in my blog’s favor that i currently have no energy for non-zumba hobbies. but hang in, it took me a few months to figure out my rhythm and not feel constant panic that i wasn’t blogging enough

      July 8, 2012
      • Thanks for the encouragement. I’m trying to find that balance between quality and quantity. I am the typo queen and have already let too many posts rip with titles like “5 Raisins Why….” (instead of Reasons). All that aside, looking forward to reading more of your blog.


        July 12, 2012
  30. Hi Yoona, first of all thanks for responding to the comments I’ve made on your blog – it’s good to know that someone’s taking the time to think about what I’ve said. I also wanted to thank you for following mine but have to explain that there are two listed, one of which is a work in progress (not that I’ve made much progress on it!). The one you’re probably after is Thought I’d better tell you in case you were wondering why nothing is happening! Best wishes, Albertina
    PS, I wish I looked that good when I work out…

    June 28, 2012
    • thanks albertina. i dig your blog because it’s rare to get a snapshot of the day to day existence of a spot on the planet so far from mine. cheers

      July 8, 2012
  31. Happy Saturday! I have nominated you for One Lovely Blog Award AND the Beautiful Blogger Award!

    June 23, 2012
  32. I’ve nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award!

    June 9, 2012
  33. Wandering Voiceless #

    Hey — I’ve nominated you for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. Enjoy, or ignore. :>

    June 2, 2012
    • hey thank you! that sounds like a fun one.

      June 4, 2012
      • Wandering Voiceless #

        You’rewelcomeverymuch. :>

        June 8, 2012
  34. Thank you for always inspiring me with your posts…and I couldn’t agree more with your thoughts on Maybelline mascara. As a token of my appreciation, I’ve nominated you for a Versatile Blogger Award!

    This Much Closer to Famous…


    March 26, 2012
  35. Radha #

    You are down right hilarious. I was combing the internet for Serena and Lily deals (none of which exist) and your site came up. I spent the next few hours reading your stuff and came back for more. I forgot your url so I googled “serena and lily ikea lawyer” and there you were…a place to laugh while my daughter sleeps and the laundry sits fermenting in the wash.

    March 23, 2012
    • my laundry is fermenting too! they can always turn their underwear inside out for school. thanks for reading, radha.

      March 24, 2012
  36. Hi Yoona, I’ve been reading since you were Freshly Pressed (IKEA, I believe?) and I love your voice. Thanks for all the laughs! And if there’s any way I can convince you to update every day, let me know. Things are slow at work right now and I need entertainment during the mid-morning hours.

    March 16, 2012
    • ah! i’d love to post everyday. if only my damn life wouldn’t keep interfering. but without life i guess i’d lack the material to post. anyway, thank you for the feedback!

      and guess what, i hate eyelashes under my contact lenses too …

      March 17, 2012
      • oh man, it’s the worst!

        March 19, 2012
  37. Hey Yoona,
    My friend Lora Gordon turned me onto your blog. I laughed so hard at the entry about the gravy boat I almost peed my pants. I also have a blog, it’s at I’m also Korean, (one of the adopted ones) I live in Portland, I got my law degree at L&C and I have a kid. I’m working on a collection of short stories and am a self-proclaimed travel slut, meaning I’d DO any trip. I just wanted to introduce myself and I hope our paths cross sometime, it seems we have some parallel life thing going on. Cheers Loey

    January 21, 2012
    • Hey Loey, thanks for stopping here. Should be in bed, but just spent some time on your blog and I love it! Congratulations on finishing your book, what an accomplishment. Hopefully our lives don’t stay completely parallel, I’d love to connect. 🙂

      January 24, 2012
  38. jo cohen #

    This is a good one my husband wrote about flying with kids. (It’s the second 1/2 of first blog on this link though you may find the first half interesting as well)

    January 13, 2012
  39. Hello! I decided to follow your blog because I very much enjoy your writing style =) Makes for a great read!

    January 12, 2012
  40. Hi Yoona,
    As a Korean-Australian fashion lover with two kids and a penchant for IKEA, I’ve had a great time reading through your blog. I’m wondering if you’ll ever go down the road of posting more house/design kind of stuff?

    January 8, 2012
    • hi ohjoo, thanks for spending time here–i dig that we have so much in common. i’d love to post more about house/design stuff, except my house looks so insanely messy these days that there’s hardly anything safe to photograph. i’ll keep thinking!

      January 8, 2012
  41. Ian Burgess Photography #

    Hi and congrats on freshly pressed – cool blog – like your style of writing…a relaxing read 😉

    January 8, 2012
  42. Nomadic Photographers #

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on just about everything. Love blogs that aren’t pigeon-holed into one topic. Very well written!

    January 7, 2012
    • Thanks for that feedback! It’s nice to not be too narrowly defined, but I always worry about disappointing people who come to my blog for certain things. Still trying to figure it out.

      January 7, 2012
  43. Hi Yoona! I love your blog. Just started mine about 3 months ago and it’s one of the best things I’ve done for myself. I’m debating who to let read my blog since some of it is pretty personal. Keep writing and I’ll keep reading!

    January 7, 2012
    • I love the idea of writing for yourself. It started that way for me but my experience has been that it’s very gratifying to get feedback and hear that you are not alone in your musings–I enjoy the dialogue and the community aspect.

      But I’ve only been blogging for two months, so who knows how I’ll feel down the road. Good luck, and I hope to read your blog soon!

      January 7, 2012
  44. K How #

    Hi Yoona. I love your blog! I love the what to wear section. I was wondering how you put your categories on the top like that. I’d like to do that with my blog, but I’m not sure how. Is it your template or did you do it yourself?

    January 7, 2012
    • K How #

      Or are they pages?

      January 7, 2012
      • Hey K, that option was available in my template (Linen), but it took me a while to figure it out, you have to go through the “menus” option on your dashboard. Again, it may not work with your template, but if you have Linen, it should work. The people who run that theme are very helpful, you could contact them directly. Cheers.

        January 7, 2012
  45. Love your blog and really glad you got freshly pressed. do your coworkers read your work too?

    January 6, 2012
    • yes, which i love, but which makes certain topics difficult to blog about. gotta figure that one out. 🙂 thanks for reading.

      January 6, 2012
  46. thevirtualrealityofstaci #

    I found your Ikea blog yesterday and laughed my butt off, i had just finished assembling a book case from there and had some adventures with assembly even though I was following the directions. Then I read welcome to hell and loved it.

    January 6, 2012
    • welcome to hell was especially cathartic to write. glad you enjoyed it!

      January 6, 2012
  47. I’m so glad you were on Freshly Pressed! I LOVE IKEA and loved your post about it even more. So funny and so stinkin’ true! You’ve got yet another fan. : )

    January 6, 2012
  48. William Lewis #

    WE TOO are IKEA fans. We have had many of the same experiences. Write if you need some extra IKEA parts. Once done, the book cases get rave reviews as does the one guest bedroom that is 100% IKEA. Biggest issue is finding enough floor space to spread out all the debris oops I mean parts. GREAT blog highlight of our evening. Bill

    January 5, 2012
    • just built another ikea table this weekend. i keep going back for more. IKEA: worse than drugs?

      January 16, 2012
  49. There are a lot of crap blogs out there, mine probably being one of them, but not yours. I even found your fashion entries interesting, and that’s saying something, as I’m the fashion equivilent of Borat’s prostitute sister (and I’m a guy!). Particularly enjoyed reading about your chows – we have a border-collie and a mini fox-terrier, who have sleeping arrangements identical to yours. Anyhoo, you’re a defo follow and I look forward to more quibby posts 🙂

    January 5, 2012
    • Message to self… spell check. 0.o

      January 5, 2012
      • hey thanks, james. and your blog is great–need to dig into your halliburton piece!

        January 5, 2012
  50. Susie #

    Hilarious blog…loved the entry about flying with kids. So true. My 21 month old kicked some poor person’s seat during our Thanksgiving travels. Happens to the best of us!

    January 5, 2012
    • 12 months-36 months: my idea of a no-fly zone. thanks for reading, susie!

      January 5, 2012
  51. If your kids could enjoy your blog/fashion sense as much as I do, they would know they have the epitome of a “cool mom”.

    January 5, 2012
    • gracie, i think i’ll have to save your comment for when they are older and can properly appreciate me. 🙂 thanks for reading.

      January 5, 2012
  52. Great blog! Your voice is so clear and likeable, thanks for sharing your life/experience here! Congrats on being Freshly Pressed… oh, and I hear you on the IKEA rant : )

    January 5, 2012
  53. I like your style, good fun reads.

    January 5, 2012
  54. Angi #

    I’m in love with your voice and your ideas and your perspective. Please keep writing!

    November 9, 2011
  55. laura n. #

    Bravo Yoona ! If anyone can succeed in a triumph over the proverbial rut – YOU CAN !!!

    November 8, 2011
  56. Andy Ferris #

    Thank You, I especially like your fashion

    November 8, 2011

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  1. And now for something completely familiar… | My Fantastic Life
  2. Rounding Out the Week… | The Do-Gooder Mama

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